Jacked Summer Training Program


Summer is right around the corner and it’s time to shed some of the fat. Let’s be honest we all could afford to shed a little. We all want some sort of aesthetic presence to us all while maintaining strength and performance. This program was built for that exact reason!

Program specific details:

  1. The program is 9 weeks in length

  2. You can run this program with a normal weight room setup

  3. 5 total days of training

  4. 4 Lift Days and 1 Conditioning Day

This program will include 4 specific lift days:

To add variety to your training and take advantage of varying rep ranges to build strength, hypertrophy, and break through a plateau. This will help you get lean, gain muscle all while increasing performance. This program will heavily use the 6-12-25 shock method invented by Canadian strength coach Charles Poliquin.

The 3 M’s to gaining lean muscle and burning fat with the 6-12-25 routine:

  • Mechanical Tension (6 reps) - Lift heavy

  • Muscle Damage (12 reps) - Adding enough volume and intensity to cause sufficient damage for future growth (emphasis needs to be on the eccentric portion of the lift)

  • Metabolic Stress (25 reps) - Higher volume AKA “the pump

This program will include 1 specific conditioning day:

Conditioning will be used to promote recovery and to increase aerobic abilities in this program. A tempo ladder will be used every week and volume will increase as you get deeper into the program!


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The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. 13 Bar Performance makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the site, programs, gear, information or any combination of the aforementioned is solely at your own risk and understanding. It is your obligation and responsibility if you are a SOCOM employee (reservist, active duty, GS, contractor, etc.) to NOT purchase from 13 Bar Performance. We cannot provide product or services due to a direct violation of the POTFF contract.

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