Push-Up Program


The push-up is a foundational bodyweight exercise that everyone can benefit from doing. Besides being fundamental for building upper body strength, power, and size, the pushing movement also comes with a ton of great variations that can provide a lot of training benefits. .This means that a foundation of form and strength need to be built for the pushing muscles that are required to perform great push-ups. This will be accomplished through a precise and organized plan that included volume, strength, speed, and isolation training.

This program is built to add specific exercise (push) volume to any lifting program to help improve a candidates overall pushing strength, endurance and push-up numbers.

  • 9 week supplemental program

  • Built for any selection candidate or someone wanting to improve their push-up

  • Includes eccentric, isometric, concentric work. Also includes weighted work

  • Emphasis on Volume, Strength, Tricep and Shoulder work

  • This program can be paired with any program and completed at the end of the training session or stand alone

  • Comes with an instant downloadable PDF file after purchase


Any duplication, retransmitted, or account of these programs without the express written consent of 13 Bar Performance, is prohibited. Reproduction of these materials will result in legal action and prosecution.

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The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. 13 Bar Performance makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the site, programs, gear, information or any combination of the aforementioned is solely at your own risk and understanding. It is your obligation and responsibility if you are a SOCOM employee (reservist, active duty, GS, contractor, etc.) to NOT purchase from 13 Bar Performance. We cannot provide product or services due to a direct violation of the POTFF contract.

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